analyse requires…
- en be forensic surgeon ➜
- en think ➜
- en think about it ➜
- en ask questions about it ➜
- en believe in reality ➜
- en calculate some statistics ➜
- en carefully examine all the facts ➜
- en carefully observe it ➜
- en cogitate ➜
- en examine it exactly ➜
- en examine it very closely ➜
- en gather all the facts about it ➜
- en gather facts ➜
- en gather information ➜
- en get all the facts ➜
- en go over it in your mind ➜
- en have a magnifying glass ➜
- en look at it ➜
- en look at the arguments ➜
- en organize all relevant facts ➜
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Related terms
- bn বিশ্লেষণ করা (n) ➜
- bo རྟོག (v) ➜
- cy dadansoddi (v) ➜
- de zerlegen (v) ➜
- el αναλύω (v) ➜
- fr analyser ➜
- en analysed (v) ➜
- en analyses (v) ➜
- en analysing (v) ➜
- en analysis (n) ➜
- en analytic (a) ➜
- en deconstruct (v) ➜
- en disquisition (n) ➜
- en ethnomethodology (n) ➜
- en immunoblotting (n) ➜
- en immunotype (v) ➜
- en linting (n) ➜
- en listening post (n) ➜
- en listening station (n) ➜
- en metric (v) ➜
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analyse is a subevent of…
- en think ➜
- en you learn something new ➜
- en look at it ➜
- en think about it ➜
- en disassemble it and examine the parts ➜
- en discovery of something new ➜
- en you find an answer ➜
- en finding the truth ➜
- en gather informational facts to study ➜
- en make lists ➜
- en paralysis ➜
- en study ➜
- en you understand it better ➜
Things that make you want analyse
- en Conflicting data ➜
- en A confusing situation ➜
- en Curiosity ➜
- en a curious mind ➜
- en A description ➜
- en intense curiousity ➜
- en A question ➜
analyse is the first step of…
- en find the something ➜
- en gather all the facts ➜
- en study it ➜
- en study it carefully ➜
- en take note of details ➜
- en analyze (v, cognition) ➜
- en analyze (v, psychiatry) ➜