- pt astrônomo . (n, astronomy) ➜
- ar العالِم الفَلَكِي (n, astronomy) ➜
- ar فَلَكِيّ (n, astronomy) ➜
- ca astrònom (n, astronomy) ➜
- sh astronom ➜
- sh zvezdar ➜
- sh zvezdarica ➜
- sh zvjezdoznanac ➜
- en stargazer (n, astronomy) ➜
- en uranologist (n, astronomy) ➜
- eu astronomo (n, astronomy) ➜
- fa اخترشناس (n, astronomy) ➜
- fa منجم (n, astronomy) ➜
- fi astronomi (n, astronomy) ➜
- fi tähtien tutkija (n, astronomy) ➜
- fi tähtitieteilijä (n, astronomy) ➜
- fr astronome (n, astronomy) ➜
- gl astrónomo (n, astronomy) ➜
- id ahli astronomi (n, astronomy) ➜
- id ahli falak (n, astronomy) ➜
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Related terms
- en astronomy ➜
- sh astronom (n) ➜
- ady жъогъо шӏӏэныгъэлӏ (n) ➜
- ar نجام (n) ➜
- ast astrónomu (n) ➜
- ca astrònom (n) ➜
- cs astronom (n) ➜
- cs astronomka (n) ➜
- cs hvězdář (n) ➜
- cu ѕвѣздозьрьць (n) ➜
- de astronom (n) ➜
- de astronomin (n) ➜
- en antoniadi scale (n) ➜
- en archaeoastronomer (n) ➜
- en areographer (n) ➜
- en astral (a) ➜
- en astrochemist (n) ➜
- en astronomer royal ➜
- en astronomic ➜
- en astronomical ➜
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Types of astronomer
- en astrophysicist (n, person) ➜
- en cosmologist (n, person) ➜
- en amateur astronomer (n) ➜
- en Carl sagan ➜
- en Kepler ➜
- en Tycho Brahe ➜
astronomer is capable of…
- en look through a telescope ➜
- en look to to the stars ➜
- en note a star ➜
- en see the stars ➜
- en spot a star ➜
- en view a planet ➜
- en watch the sky ➜
Derived terms
- en archaeoastronomer ➜
- en bioastronomer ➜
- en ethnoastronomer ➜
- en nonastronomer ➜
- en radioastronomer ➜
People with the occupation astronomer
- en aristarchus of samos ➜
- en clyde tombaugh ➜
- en david rittenhouse ➜
- en gerard kuiper ➜
- en hipparchus ➜
- en ptolemy ➜
Word forms
- en astronomer (n) ➜
- en astronomers (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- Astronomer
- /umbel/sc/Astronomer
- /resource/Q11063
- /2012/05/10/concept/en/Astronomer
- 109837748-n
- The Astronomer (Vermeer)
- /resource/Q544315
- astronomer
- astronomer