- id Uskup (n, roman_catholic) ➜
- ca alfil (n, chess) ➜
- ca bisbe (n, roman_catholic) ➜
- da biskop (n, roman_catholic) ➜
- da bisp (n, roman_catholic) ➜
- sh biskup ➜
- sh episkop ➜
- es obispo (n, food) ➜
- es obispo (n, roman_catholic) ➜
- eu alfil (n, chess) ➜
- eu alfil (n, food) ➜
- eu apezpiku (n, food) ➜
- eu apezpiku (n, roman_catholic) ➜
- eu gotzain (n, food) ➜
- eu gotzain (n, roman_catholic) ➜
- fa اسقف (n, roman_catholic) ➜
- fi lähetti (n, chess) ➜
- fi piispa (n, roman_catholic) ➜
- fi portviini (n, food) ➜
- fr fou (n, chess) ➜
- More »
Related terms
- az fil (n) ➜
- en archbishop (n) ➜
- sh biskup (n) ➜
- sh episkop (n) ➜
- sh laufer (n) ➜
- sh lovac (n) ➜
- sh trkač (n) ➜
- en chess ➜
- en chess piece ➜
- en piece ➜
- af biskop (n) ➜
- af loper (n) ➜
- am አቡነ (n) ➜
- ang biscop (n) ➜
- ang biscopdom (n) ➜
- ang biscophad (n) ➜
- ang biscoprice (n) ➜
- ang cricc (n) ➜
- ar أسقف (n) ➜
- ar حبر (n) ➜
- More »
Types of bishop
- en archbishop (n, person) ➜
- en cardinal (n, roman_catholic) ➜
- en diocesan (n, person) ➜
- en eparch (n, person) ➜
- en exarch (n, person) ➜
- en primus (n, person) ➜
- en suffragan (n, person) ➜
- en vicar apostolic (n, person) ➜
- en an archbishop ➜
- en archbishop (n) ➜
- en black bishop (n) ➜
- en a cardinal ➜
- en cardinal (n) ➜
- en coptic pope (n) ➜
- en pope (n) ➜
- en principal consecrator ➜
- en white bishop (n) ➜
Context of this term
- en chess (n, act) ➜
- en Anglican Church (n, church_service) ➜
- en Orthodox Church (n, group) ➜
- en Roman Catholic (n, group) ➜
- fr christianisme ➜
- fr franc maçonnerie ➜
- fr échecs ➜
- en alcoholic beverages ➜
- en archaic ➜
- en chess ➜
- en christianity ➜
- en dialectal ➜
- en uk ➜
- en us ➜
- en christianity ➜
- en dialectal ➜
- en horses ➜
- en uk ➜
Derived terms
- en antibishop ➜
- en archbishop ➜
- en bishop (v) ➜
- en bishopdom ➜
- en bishopess ➜
- en bishopless ➜
- en bishoplike ➜
- en bishoply ➜
- en bishopric ➜
- en cobishop ➜
- en even bishop ➜
- en highbishop ➜
- en prince bishop ➜
- en unbishop ➜
bishop is used for…
- en play chess ➜
- en attack the King in chess ➜
- en chess ➜
- en kill ➜
- en perpetuation of religious myths ➜
- en playing chess ➜
- en religion ➜
- en religious stuff ➜
- en take a pawn ➜
Location of bishop
- en the church ➜
- en cathedral ➜
- en a chess game ➜
- en a chess set ➜
- en rome ➜
bishop is capable of…
- en kill a king ➜
- en kill a knight ➜
- en kill a pawn ➜
- en kill a queen ➜
- en kill a rook ➜
Links to other resources
- Bishop
- /umbel/sc/Bishop_Clerical
- /resource/Q29182
- /2012/05/10/concept/en/Bishop_ChessPiece
- /2012/05/10/concept/en/Bishop_Clerical
- 102847294-n
- 107929540-n
- 109876606-n
- Bishop (artillery)
- /resource/Q866327
- Bishop (Catholic Church)
- /resource/Q611644
- Bishop
- bishop
- bishop