- sh teret dokazivanja ➜
- fi todistustaakka (n, act) ➜
- it onere della prova (n, act) ➜
- ja 立証責任 (n, act) ➜
- ja 証明責任 (n, act) ➜
- pt ônus da prova (n, act) ➜
- cs důkazní břemeno ➜
- da bevisbyrde ➜
- de beweislast ➜
- en onus probandi ➜
- es carga de la prueba ➜
- fi todistustaakka ➜
- fr charge de la preuve ➜
- ia onere del prova ➜
- id beban bukti ➜
- id beban pembuktian ➜
- is sönnunarbyrði ➜
- it onere della prova ➜
- ja 立証責任 ➜
- ja 証明責任 ➜
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Related terms
- en burden of persuasion ➜
- en burden of production ➜
- en claim ➜
- en dispute ➜
- en evidence ➜
- en onus probandi ➜
Context of this term
- en epistemology ➜
- en legal ➜
Links to other resources
- 101133226-n