Effects of buying for loved one
- en you spend money ➜
- en you have sex ➜
- en making them happy ➜
- en happiness ➜
- en the loved one to be happy ➜
- en another white elephant ➜
- en a busted budget ➜
- en buying the wrong color ➜
- en envy from another loved one ➜
- en a feeling of success ➜
- en flattery by buying the wrong size ➜
- en a fond feeling ➜
- en they get happy ➜
- en getting a gift in return ➜
- en getting laid ➜
- en getting some loving ➜
- en a good thing ➜
- en gratitude ➜
- en great appreciation ➜
- en me great pleasure ➜
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buying for loved one is used for…
- en showing you love them ➜
- en making them happy ➜
- en saying your sorry ➜
- en a surprise ➜
- en an anniversary gift ➜
- en being kind ➜
- en a birthday gift ➜
- en brownie points ➜
- en celebrating your anniversary ➜
- en celebrating their birthday ➜
- en celebrating a special occasion ➜
- en demonstrating your feelings ➜
- en generosity ➜
- en giving you both pleasure ➜
- en giving them pleasure ➜
- en hiding your own guilt ➜
- en a just-because gift ➜
- en making them feel good ➜
- en making the loved one happy ➜
- en making a person feel happy ➜
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buying for loved one is a subevent of…
- en spend too much money ➜
- en using a credit card ➜
- en emotions ➜
- en find something that is meaningful ➜
- en flowers ➜
- en you get it on sale ➜
- en go to a store ➜
- en have it wrapped ➜
- en a panic attack ➜
- en paying with a credit card ➜
- en purchase flowers ➜
- en running out of money ➜
- en think of them ➜
- en use a credit card ➜