- ca cementiri (n, location) ➜
- en kirkyard ➜
- en God's acre (n, location) ➜
- es cementerio (n, location) ➜
- eu hilerri (n, location) ➜
- eu kanposantu (n, location) ➜
- fa حیاط کلیسا (n, location) ➜
- fi hautausmaa (n, location) ➜
- fi kirkkomaa (n, location) ➜
- fr cimetière (n, location) ➜
- gl adro (n, location) ➜
- gl camposanto (n, location) ➜
- gl cemiterio (n, location) ➜
- it cimitero (n, location) ➜
- it sagrato (n, location) ➜
- ja 境内 (n) ➜
- pt adro (n, location) ➜
- pt cemitério (n, location) ➜
- th บริเวณโบถส์ (n, location) ➜
- de kirchhof (n) ➜
- More »
Related terms
- sh metoh (n) ➜
- af kerkhof (n) ➜
- cy llan (n) ➜
- en cemetery ➜
- en churchward ➜
- en churchward (n) ➜
- en graveyard ➜
- fr attenant ➜
- fr cimetière ➜
- fr cour ➜
- fr église ➜
- en churchyards (n) ➜
- en corpse candle (n) ➜
- en cœmeterium (n) ➜
- en god's acre (n) ➜
- en kirkgarth (n) ➜
- en kirkyard (n) ➜
- en paradise (n) ➜
- eo tombejo (n) ➜
- fi kirkkomaa (n) ➜
- More »
churchyard is used for…
- en graves ➜
- en charitie events ➜
- en bride to throw the bouqet ➜
- en contemplation ➜
- en easter egg hunts ➜
- en empty space around a church ➜
- en family history ➜
- en for the graveyard ➜
- en gather ➜
- en gathering the faithful ➜
- en have picnics ➜
- en headstones ➜
- en the honor-guard of the bride ➜
- en meeting after church ➜
- en meeting before church ➜
- en sit in after church ➜
- en surrounding a church ➜
- en walk around in ➜
churchyard is a type of…
- en yard (n, location) ➜
- en the land ➜
Etymologically related
- en kirkyard ➜
- enm chirch ȝerd ➜
- enm chircheȝerd ➜
- enm kirk ȝerd ➜
- enm kirkeyard ➜
- enm kirrkegærd ➜
- enm kurk garth ➜
- enm kyrkgarth ➜
- non kirkjugarðr ➜
Word forms
- en church yard (n) ➜
- en churchyards (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- 108664929-n
- churchyard
- churchyard