Effects of conducting trial
- en justice ➜
- en a verdict ➜
- en asking questions ➜
- en boredom ➜
- en a conviction ➜
- en a conviction of a guilty person ➜
- en a criminal to be convicted ➜
- en determining guilt or innocence ➜
- en determining a verdict ➜
- en exercising law ➜
- en a failure of civilization ➜
- en to find the truth ➜
- en finding a criminal innocent ➜
- en someone to go to jail ➜
- en injustice ➜
- en laws to be discussed ➜
- en lawyers to be paid much money ➜
- en lawyers are used ➜
- en learning what took place ➜
- en a person to die ➜
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conducting trial is used for…
- en determining guilt or innocence ➜
- en attempting justice ➜
- en attempting to serve justice ➜
- en criminal justice ➜
- en deciding ones guilt or innocence ➜
- en determining damages ➜
- en finding the facts ➜
- en finding a result ➜
- en a judge or judges ➜
- en judging guilt or innocense ➜
- en the Judicial system ➜
- en justice ➜
- en lawyers ➜
- en lawyers making money ➜
- en members of the court staff ➜
- en punishing the wicked ➜
- en redressing wrongs ➜
- en seeking justice ➜
- en serving justice ➜
conducting trial is a subevent of…
- en examining evidence ➜
- en argue your case ➜
- en finding the truth ➜
- en be a judge ➜
- en the judge bangs the gavel ➜
- en listen to opposing arguments ➜
- en making notes ➜
- en someone may cry ➜
- en misjudge ➜
- en panic ➜
- en perjury ➜
- en the presentation of evidence ➜
- en question witnesses ➜
- en selection of a jury ➜
- en shouting ➜
- en speak ➜
- en speak to the jury ➜
- en testimony ➜
conducting trial requires…
- en a judge ➜
- en a case against the defendant ➜
- en a case agaist the defendant ➜
- en a dispute ➜
- en investigating ➜
- en a jury ➜
- en a law establishing agency ➜
- en orderliness ➜
- en patience ➜