Effects of crossing street
- en you get to the other side ➜
- en getting to the other side ➜
- en accidents ➜
- en fear ➜
- en get a ticket for jaywalking ➜
- en getting closer to the destination ➜
- en getting hit by a car ➜
- en going across the street ➜
- en going in the other side ➜
- en injury ➜
- en looking both ways ➜
- en one to step off the sidewalk ➜
- en reaching the other side ➜
- en a traffic accident ➜
- en a traffic jam ➜
- en traffic to stop ➜
crossing street is a subevent of…
- en get hit by a car ➜
- en getting hit by a truck ➜
- en look both ways ➜
- en an accident ➜
- en avoid cars ➜
- en avoid cars approaching you ➜
- en being run over by a car ➜
- en the crossing light might start blinking ➜
- en death ➜
- en dodge cars ➜
- en getting hit by a car ➜
- en getting honked at ➜
- en light changes ➜
- en look both ways for oncoming traffic ➜
- en look to your left and right ➜
- en speed up ➜
- en walk ➜
- en walk quickly ➜
- en watching out for traffic ➜
crossing street requires…
- en careful attention ➜
- en checking for traffic ➜
- en looking both ways first ➜
- en stepping off a curb ➜
- en boots ➜
- en care ➜
- en a crosswalk ➜
- en finding the safest way ➜
- en knowing what is traveling the street ➜
- en looking both ways ➜
- en road sense ➜
- en stepping onto a curb ➜
- en a street ➜
- en a street to cross ➜
- en walking ➜
- en walking across the street ➜
crossing street is used for…
- en getting to the other side ➜
- en pedestrians ➜
- en avoiding traffic ➜
- en bissness men on there lunch break ➜
- en chickens ➜
- en continuing to walk ➜
- en going somewhere ➜
- en j-walkers ➜
- en meeting someone ➜
- en people ➜
- en people who need to get somewhere ➜
- en people with a destination ➜
- en pets, sometimes, when with people ➜
- en seeing something new ➜