Types of deployable military unit
- en 100 troop strength (n) ➜
- en 65 troop strength (n) ➜
- en 90 troop strength (n) ➜
- en air defense unit (n) ➜
- en air mobile unit (n) ➜
- en airborne unit (n) ➜
- en amphibious unit (n) ➜
- en amphibious unit (n) ➜
- en anti armor unit (n) ➜
- en armored unit (n) ➜
- en army (n) ➜
- en army division (n) ➜
- en attacking force (n) ➜
- en aviation unit (n) ➜
- en blue unit (n) ➜
- en border post unit (n) ➜
- en cavalry unit (n) ➜
- en column maneuver formation (n) ➜
- en combat ready thing (n) ➜
- en combat unit (n) ➜
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Links to other resources
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/ModernMilitaryUnit_Deployable