Effects of doing crossword puzzle
- en learning new words ➜
- en feel a sense of accomplishment ➜
- en frustration ➜
- en a headache ➜
- en strengthening of some verbal mental connections ➜
- en angst ➜
- en become frustrated ➜
- en being interested ➜
- en boredom ➜
- en you complete the puzzle ➜
- en completing it ➜
- en depression ➜
- en entertainment ➜
- en to exercise the mind ➜
- en an expanded vocabulary ➜
- en feeling a sense of accomplishment ➜
- en frustation ➜
- en fun ➜
- en you get frustrated ➜
- en you get ink on your hand ➜
- More »
doing crossword puzzle is a subevent of…
- en consulting a dictionary ➜
- en learn new words ➜
- en read a question ➜
- en think ➜
- en you think about words ➜
- en boredom ➜
- en consult a dictionary ➜
- en you don't finish it ➜
- en erase ➜
- en filling in a blank ➜
- en forgetting a word ➜
- en you get stuck ➜
- en you may become frustrated ➜
- en you might complete it ➜
- en pencilling in a letter ➜
- en solving it ➜
- en you think of words ➜
- en tippex may be used ➜
- en use your brian ➜
- en use a dictionary ➜
- More »
doing crossword puzzle is used for…
- en entertainment ➜
- en having fun ➜
- en learning new words ➜
- en relaxation ➜
- en building your vocabulary ➜
- en challenging yourself ➜
- en exercising your brain ➜
- en exercising your mind ➜
- en fun ➜
- en hobby ➜
- en passing the time ➜
- en pleasure ➜
- en puzzles ➜
- en recreation ➜
- en the satisfaction of completing the puzzle ➜
- en solving cryptic clues ➜
- en thinking ➜
- en using your brain ➜
- en using your mind ➜
- en winning something ➜
Links to other resources
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/CrosswordGameEvent