empty bladder requires…
- en go to the bathroom ➜
- en go to a toilet ➜
- en urinate ➜
- en use the toilet ➜
- en do it in private ➜
- en enter the bathroom ➜
- en fumble it ready ➜
- en go pee ➜
- en go potty ➜
- en go to the bathroom first ➜
- en go to a restroom ➜
- en locate the bladder emptier ➜
- en pee ➜
- en pull down your pants ➜
- en put some water on it ➜
- en take a leak ➜
- en take off your trousers ➜
- en take a piss ➜
- en undo your zipper first ➜
empty bladder is motivated by…
- en it is full ➜
- en relief ➜
- en your bladder is full ➜
- en your bladder was full ➜
- en feel better ➜
- en the urine to come out ➜
- en feel relieved ➜
- en get rid of urine ➜
- en i have to piss ➜
- en be more comfortable ➜
- en you must urinate ➜
- en not feel a full bladder ➜
- en not urinate in your pants ➜
- en relieve the pressure ➜
- en relieve some tension ➜
- en relieve yourself ➜
- en urinate ➜
- en it was full ➜
- en you were uncomfortable ➜
empty bladder is a subevent of…
- en you wipe ➜
- en feel better ➜
- en you feel relief ➜
- en you would flush the toilet ➜
- en achieve homeostasis ➜
- en breathe a sigh of relief ➜
- en find the bathroom ➜
- en flush the toilet ➜
- en going to toillet ➜
- en you might feel relaxed ➜
- en pee in the toilet ➜
- en a relieved feeling ➜
- en a tinkling sound ➜
- en unzip my pants ➜
Things that make you want empty bladder
- en Drinking too much ➜
- en Drinking ➜
- en drinking beer ➜
- en drinking a gallon of milk ➜
- en drinking a lot of water ➜
- en drinking seven beers ➜
- en drinking too much beer ➜
- en drinking water ➜
- en Eating ➜
- en Internal body messages ➜
- en looking at running water ➜
- en what ➜
empty bladder is the last step of…
- en put the seat down ➜
- en SIGH ➜
- en squeeze ➜
- en wash your hands ➜
- en zip your fly ➜
- en zip up your trousers ➜
empty bladder is the first step of…
- en relax selected muscles ➜
- en find a toilet ➜
- en go to the toilet ➜
- en unzip pants ➜