- fr Éthanol (n, substance) ➜
- ar إثيل كُحُول (n, substance) ➜
- ar إيثانول (n, substance) ➜
- ar كُحُول تَخْمِير (n, substance) ➜
- ca etanol (n, substance) ➜
- en ethanol (n, substance) ➜
- en neutral spirits (n, food) ➜
- en fermentation alcohol (n, substance) ➜
- en grain alcohol (n, substance) ➜
- es etanol (n, substance) ➜
- eu alkohol etiliko (n, substance) ➜
- eu etanol (n, substance) ➜
- eu etil alkohol (n, substance) ➜
- fi etanoli (n, substance) ➜
- fi etyylialkoholi (n, substance) ➜
- fi käymisalkoholi (n, substance) ➜
- fi vilja-alkoholi (n, substance) ➜
- gl alcohol etílico (n, substance) ➜
- gl alcol etílico (n, substance) ➜
- gl etanol (n, substance) ➜
- More »
Related terms
- de ethylalkohol (n) ➜
- el αιθανόλη (n) ➜
- el αλκοόλ (n) ➜
- el βάμμα (n) ➜
- el οινόπνευμα (n) ➜
- en absolute alcohol (n) ➜
- en cocaethylene (n) ➜
- en denatured alcohol (n) ➜
- en alcohol ➜
- en ethanol ➜
- en ethyl mercaptan (n) ➜
- en industrial methylated spirit (n) ➜
- en methylated spirit (n) ➜
- en phenylurethan (n) ➜
- fi etyylialkoholi (n) ➜
- it alcol etilico (n) ➜
- it alcool etilico (n) ➜
- ru алкоголь (n) ➜
- ru этанол (n) ➜
ethyl alcohol is a type of…
- en alcohol (n, substance) ➜
- en plant product (n, substance) ➜
- en addictive substance (n) ➜
- en alcohol (n) ➜
- en fuel (n) ➜
- en medicine (n) ➜
- en psychoactive drug (n) ➜
Types of ethyl alcohol
- en absolute alcohol (n, substance) ➜
- en denatured alcohol (n, substance) ➜
- en spirits of wine (n, substance) ➜
- en bioethanol (n) ➜
- en liquid ethyl alcohol (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- /umbel/sc/EthylAlcohol
- /2012/05/10/concept/en/Ethanol
- 114733426-n
- ethyl alcohol