- ca fissura (n, anatomy) ➜
- sh rascep ➜
- en crack (n, object) ➜
- en crevice (n, shape) ➜
- eu arteka (n, anatomy) ➜
- eu artesi (n, anatomy) ➜
- eu fisura (n, anatomy) ➜
- eu pitzadura (n, anatomy) ➜
- eu pitzatu (n, anatomy) ➜
- fa شکاف (n, anatomy) ➜
- fi halkio (n, anatomy) ➜
- gl fisura (n, anatomy) ➜
- id belahan (n, anatomy) ➜
- it scissura (n, anatomy) ➜
- ms belahan (n, anatomy) ➜
- ms fisur (n, anatomy) ➜
- pt fissura (n, anatomy) ➜
- th รอยแยก (n, anatomy) ➜
- bg пукнатина ➜
- bg цепнатина ➜
- More »
Types of fissure
- en hilus (n, anatomy) ➜
- en sulcus (n, anatomy) ➜
Context of this term
- en anatomy (n, cognition) ➜
- en anatomy ➜
Links to other resources
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