gather energy for tomorrow requires…
- en sleep ➜
- en rest today ➜
- en rest ➜
- en buy a lot of batteries ➜
- en eat healthy today ➜
- en get a good night's sleep ➜
- en get plenty of rest ➜
- en get rest tonight ➜
- en get stuff out of the way ➜
- en go to sleep ➜
- en rest up tonight ➜
- en rest well today ➜
- en save the energy you have today ➜
- en sleep fifteen hours ➜
- en take a nap and eat well ➜
- en use alternative energy ➜
- en wait until tomorrow and gather energy ➜
gather energy for tomorrow is motivated by…
- en have a good day ➜
- en do more things ➜
- en expend energy tomorrow ➜
- en go to work ➜
- en you have important plans ➜
- en have lo ➜
- en some kinds of music calm people ➜
- en you know you will need it ➜
- en perform well ➜
- en be ready for anything ➜
- en be ready for more work ➜
- en renew effort on a goal ➜
- en tomorrow will be a busy day ➜
- en use more tomorrow ➜
- en you want ➜
- en it will be a big day ➜
gather energy for tomorrow is a subevent of…
- en getting a good night's sleep ➜
- en sleep ➜
- en dream ➜
- en eat dinner ➜
- en Enjoy myself ➜
- en get some sleep ➜
- en READY TO GO ➜
- en rest your bones ➜
- en resting today ➜
- en i would be more happy ➜
Things that make you want gather energy for tomorrow
- en Preparing for an event ➜
- en work ➜
- en being challenged ➜