give assistance requires…
- en help some one ➜
- en be helpful ➜
- en help ➜
- en look for who needs it ➜
- en ask if they need assistance ➜
- en ask if they need help ➜
- en ask if someone wants help ➜
- en ask whether assistance is needed ➜
- en be clear about your task ➜
- en determine a need ➜
- en determine a need and meet it ➜
- en do what needs to be done ➜
- en donate help ➜
- en examine the situation ➜
- en find someone in trouble ➜
- en find something that needs assisting ➜
- en find out what is needed ➜
- en find out what the situation requires ➜
- en find outhat someone needs assistance ➜
- en find someone to help ➜
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give assistance is a subevent of…
- en help ➜
- en thanks ➜
- en another is helped ➜
- en aquisition of good karma ➜
- en ask what the problem is ➜
- en the assistence may fail ➜
- en determine what help is required ➜
- en give money ➜
- en gratification ➜
- en gratitude ➜
- en help people ➜
- en a life is saved ➜
- en you may be thanked ➜
- en reach out to someone ➜
- en you receive a smile ➜
- en recognize a need ➜
- en a reward ➜
- en support someone else ➜
- en tend to a wound ➜
- en you think ➜
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Things that make you want give assistance
- en Seeing someone hurt ➜
- en Someone being in trouble ➜
- en A cry for help ➜
- en a crying child ➜
- en a desire to help ➜
- en Helplessness ➜
- en a request for help ➜
- en sexual favors ➜