- ar ألْصَقَ (v, contact) ➜
- ar صَمْغ (n, substance) ➜
- ar غَرَّا (v, contact) ➜
- ar غِراء (n, substance) ➜
- ar لِصَاق (n, substance) ➜
- ar لَصَقَ (v, contact) ➜
- ar لَصْقَة (n, substance) ➜
- ar لَصُوق (n, substance) ➜
- ca cola (n, substance) ➜
- ca encolar (v, contact) ➜
- ca enganxar (v, change) ➜
- ca enganxar (v, contact) ➜
- ca goma (n, substance) ➜
- ca goma d'enganxar (n, substance) ➜
- da klister (n, substance) ➜
- da lim (n, substance) ➜
- fr colle ➜
- sh lepak ➜
- sh lepilo ➜
- sh ljepak ➜
- More »
Related terms
- en paste ➜
- en stick ➜
- sh lepak (n) ➜
- sh lepiti (v) ➜
- sh lijepiti (v) ➜
- sh ljepilo (n) ➜
- af lym (n) ➜
- ang geliman (v) ➜
- ang lim (n) ➜
- ar دبق (n) ➜
- ar صمغ (n) ➜
- ba елем (n) ➜
- bg лепило (n) ➜
- ca cola (n) ➜
- ca pegar (v) ➜
- ceb kula (n) ➜
- ceb kula (v) ➜
- ceb papilit (n) ➜
- cs lepidlo (n) ➜
- cs přilepit (v) ➜
- More »
glue is used for…
- en stick thing together ➜
- en fastening two objects together ➜
- en hold things together ➜
- en holding two things together ➜
- en sticking things together ➜
- en attach papers ➜
- en attaching paper to paper ➜
- en attaching things together ➜
- en attaching two objects to one another ➜
- en bind like items together ➜
- en binding fake fingernails to real ones ➜
- en binding similar objects together ➜
- en binding things together ➜
- en binding unlike objects together ➜
- en bond items together ➜
- en build a model airplane ➜
- en fixing broken china ➜
- en fixing items ➜
- en hold two things together ➜
- en joining things to other things ➜
- More »
glue is capable of…
- en hold things together ➜
- en stick paper ➜
- en stick to anything ➜
- en stick two things together ➜
- en dry ➜
- en fix broken things ➜
- en join wood together ➜
- en set ➜
- en stick to paper ➜
- en stick two pieces of wood together ➜
- en stick wood ➜
- en to used to fasten things together ➜
Location of glue
- en school ➜
- en a desk drawer ➜
- en a tube ➜
- en an art room ➜
- en book binding ➜
- en a bottle ➜
- en a bottle or tube ➜
- en a cabinet ➜
- en a classroom ➜
- en a closed container ➜
- en the desk ➜
- en the garage ➜
- en a glue gun ➜
glue is a type of…
- en a substance ➜
- en an adhesive ➜
- en cement (n, substance) ➜
- en sticky before it dries ➜
- en a sticky substance ➜
- en artificial substance (n) ➜
- en mixture (n) ➜
Types of glue
- en Epoxy ➜
- en animal glue (n, substance) ➜
- en casein glue (n, substance) ➜
- en fish glue (n, substance) ➜
- en marine glue (n, substance) ➜
- en elmer's glue (n) ➜
glue is a way of…
- en fasten (v, contact) ➜
- en attach (v, contact) ➜
Ways of glue
- en epoxy (v, contact) ➜
Links to other resources
- /umbel/sc/Glue
- /2012/05/10/concept/en/Glue
- 114727036-n
- 200487786-v
- 201334887-v
- glue
- glue