- ca herald (n, communication) ➜
- en forerunner (n, communication) ➜
- en announce (v, communication) ➜
- en herald (n, communication) ➜
- en precursor (n, communication) ➜
- en predecessor (n, communication) ➜
- es heraldo (n, communication) ➜
- es precursor (n, communication) ➜
- es predecesor (n, communication) ➜
- es presagio (n, communication) ➜
- eu aitzindari (n, communication) ➜
- eu heraldo (n, communication) ➜
- eu nuntzio (n, communication) ➜
- fa جلودار (n, communication) ➜
- fa قاصد (n, communication) ➜
- fa منادی (n, communication) ➜
- fi airut (n, communication) ➜
- fi edelläkävijä (n, communication) ➜
- fi edeltäjä (n, communication) ➜
- fr héraut (n, communication) ➜
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Related terms
- ar بشير (n) ➜
- ba хәбәрсе (n) ➜
- bg вестник (n) ➜
- de vorbote (n) ➜
- en bellwether (n) ➜
- en forerunner (n) ➜
- en forespurrer (n) ➜
- en four horsemen of apocalypse (n) ➜
- en bellwether ➜
- en foreshadow ➜
- en foretell ➜
- fr présage ➜
- en announce ➜
- en precede ➜
- en harbingered (v) ➜
- en harbingering (v) ➜
- en harbingers (n) ➜
- en herald (n) ➜
- en omening (n) ➜
- en portend (v) ➜
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Word forms
- en harbingered (v) ➜
- en harbingering (v) ➜
- en harbingers (n) ➜
- en harbringer (n) ➜
Etymological roots of "harbinger"
- enm herbergeour ➜
- frk heriberga ➜
- fro herbergeor ➜
Links to other resources
- 106815429-n
- harbinger
- harbinger