Types of information bearing thing
- en ad (n) ➜
- en advice (n) ➜
- en archetype (n) ➜
- en audio visual ibt (n) ➜
- en authentication source (n) ➜
- en computer ibt (n) ➜
- en computing thing (n) ➜
- en copy (n) ➜
- en direct debit form ibo (n) ➜
- en distress signal ibt (n) ➜
- en document (n) ➜
- en ibo (n) ➜
- en ibt with audio elements (n) ➜
- en ibt with visual elements (n) ➜
- en information bearing performance (n) ➜
- en informing (n) ➜
- en invitation (n) ➜
- en joke (n) ➜
- en lesson (n) ➜
- en marriage license (n) ➜
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Links to other resources
- umbel.org /umbel/ac/InformationBearingThing
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/InformationBearingThing