Types of intangible artifact
- en application account (n) ➜
- en artificial language (n) ➜
- en artificial lighting (n) ➜
- en computer process generic (n) ➜
- en conventional classification system (n) ➜
- en dynamic info source (n) ➜
- en firework display (n) ➜
- en indexed information source (n) ➜
- en job position (n) ➜
- en moving image with sound (n) ➜
- en music (n) ➜
- en philosophy (n) ➜
- en practice (n) ➜
- en social belief system (n) ➜
- en specified multiple choice option (n) ➜
- en tariff (n) ➜
- en upskirt picture (n) ➜
- en virtual machine (n) ➜
- en writing system (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/Artifact_Intangible