Types of man made structure
- en amenities (n) ➜
- en apartment complex (n) ➜
- en art deco architectural style (n) ➜
- en art nouveau architectural style (n) ➜
- en bar (n) ➜
- en baroque architectural style (n) ➜
- en base of operations (n) ➜
- en beaux arts architectural style (n) ➜
- en bottomhole (n) ➜
- en campground (n) ➜
- en castle architectural style (n) ➜
- en cluster of buildings (n) ➜
- en command post (n) ➜
- en commercial facility (n) ➜
- en constructed route (n) ➜
- en curb (n) ➜
- en customs checkpoint (n) ➜
- en defensive structure (n) ➜
- en destroyed thing (n) ➜
- en detention facility (n) ➜
- More »
man made structure is a type of…
- en artifact (n) ➜
- en consumer durable (n) ➜
- en enduring thing localized (n) ➜
- en human scale object (n) ➜
- en non agentive artifact (n) ➜
- en terrestrial functioning object (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/ConstructionArtifact