- ar مَرَض عَقْلِي (n, state) ➜
- ca malaltia mental (n, state) ➜
- ca psicopatia (n, state) ➜
- en mental disease (n, state) ➜
- en mental disorder (n) ➜
- en psychopathy (n, state) ➜
- es enfermedad mental (n, state) ➜
- es psicopatía (n, state) ➜
- fa اختلالات روانی (n, state) ➜
- fa معالجه روانی (n, state) ➜
- fi mielisairaus (n, state) ➜
- fi psykopatia (n, state) ➜
- fi psyykkinen sairaus (n, state) ➜
- fr maladie mentale (n, state) ➜
- fr psychopathie (n, state) ➜
- id penyakit-mental (n, state) ➜
- id psikopat (n, state) ➜
- id psikopati (n, state) ➜
- id sakit-mental (n, state) ➜
- it malattia mentale (n, state) ➜
- More »
Types of mental illness
- en Schizophrenia ➜
- en obsessive-compulsive disorder ➜
- en insanity (n, state) ➜
- en manic depression ➜
- en megalomania (n, state) ➜
- en psychosis (n, state) ➜
- en Anxiety ➜
- en An anxiety disorder ➜
- en Bipolar Affective Disorder ➜
- en Bipolar mood disorder ➜
- en Depression ➜
- en Drug Induced Psychosis ➜
- en An eating disorder ➜
- en A personality disorder ➜
Related terms
- cs duševní choroba (n) ➜
- cs duševní nemoc (n) ➜
- de einheitspsychose (n) ➜
- en 5150ed (v) ➜
- en abulia (n) ➜
- en bleulerian (a) ➜
- en characteropathy (n) ➜
- en chemical imbalance (n) ➜
- en drapetomania (n) ➜
- en have one's mind about one (v) ➜
- en insight (n) ➜
- en laingian (a) ➜
- en mental disorder ➜
- en mentally ill ➜
- fr maladie mentale ➜
- en mental illnesses (n) ➜
- en mentally challenged (a) ➜
- en orthomolecular (a) ➜
- en psychogenetics (n) ➜
- en psychopathist (n) ➜
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mental illness is capable of…
- en cause delusion ➜
- en cause hallucination ➜
- en cause irrational behaviour ➜
- en cause severe disturbance ➜
- en cause severe thought disorder ➜
- en cause suffering ➜
- en change behaviour ➜
- en change feelings ➜
- en change thoughts ➜
- en be effectively treated ➜
- en involve psychosis ➜
- en be managed ➜
- en recur ➜
mental illness is a type of…
- en psychological state (n, psychology) ➜
- en health problem ➜
- en illness ➜
Context of this term
- en psychiatry ➜
- fr médecine ➜
Word forms
- en mental illnesses (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- 114403545-n
- mental illness
- mental illness