Types of modern shelter construction
- en air force recruitment center (n) ➜
- en airport terminal (n) ➜
- en army recruitment center (n) ➜
- en barn (n) ➜
- en bus station (n) ➜
- en cafe (n) ➜
- en concert hall (n) ➜
- en convention center (n) ➜
- en factory building (n) ➜
- en foundry (n) ➜
- en homeless shelter (n) ➜
- en hospital (n) ➜
- en hotel (n) ➜
- en modern residence (n) ➜
- en museum building (n) ➜
- en navy recruitment center (n) ➜
- en office building (n) ➜
- en police recruitment center (n) ➜
- en post office building (n) ➜
- en power plant building (n) ➜
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Links to other resources
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/ModernShelterConstruction