museum wing is used for…
- en added spack ➜
- en containing artefacts ➜
- en covering wax heads ➜
- en display cases ➜
- en display museum exhibits ➜
- en display similar objects ➜
- en display things ➜
- en displaying artwork ➜
- en displaying an exhibition ➜
- en displaying a painting ➜
- en displaying a sculpture ➜
- en displaying a statue ➜
- en displaying works of art ➜
- en enjoy art ➜
- en exhibit pieces of art ➜
- en fund raising functions ➜
- en going on a date ➜
- en going on a tour ➜
- en housing paintings ➜
- en illustrating history ➜
- More »
Location of museum wing
- en an art museum ➜
- en a large museum ➜
- en the Louvre ➜
- en The Smithsonian ➜