Types of obligation creating event
- en adopting (n) ➜
- en betting (n) ➜
- en borrowing (n) ➜
- en credit card account obligations (n) ➜
- en current account obligations (n) ➜
- en forbiding (n) ➜
- en insurance obligations (n) ➜
- en opening bank account (n) ➜
- en promising (n) ➜
- en sale on credit (n) ➜
- en savings account obligations (n) ➜
- en selection for position (n) ➜
- en taking out mortgage (n) ➜
obligation creating event is a type of…
- en adopting norm (n) ➜
- en creation event (n) ➜
- en social event (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/ObligationCreatingEvent