- ar خَوْف (n, feeling) ➜
- ar ذُعْر (n, feeling) ➜
- ar رُعْب (n, feeling) ➜
- ar هَلَع (n, feeling) ➜
- ca horror (n, feeling) ➜
- ca pànic (n, feeling) ➜
- ca pànic (n, state) ➜
- ca terror (n, feeling) ➜
- da panik (n, feeling) ➜
- en affright (n, feeling) ➜
- sh panika ➜
- en scare (n, state) ➜
- en terror (n, feeling) ➜
- es horror (n, feeling) ➜
- es pánico (n, feeling) ➜
- es pánico (n, state) ➜
- es terror (n, feeling) ➜
- eu beldur (n, state) ➜
- eu ikara (n, state) ➜
- eu izu (n, state) ➜
- More »
Subevents of panic
- en have an asthma attack ➜
- en take final exams ➜
- en being involved in an accident ➜
- en conducting a trial ➜
- en dialing 911 ➜
- en drive a car ➜
- en find the truth ➜
- en going into a coma ➜
- en having a heart attack ➜
- en having a physical examination ➜
- en hearing the crowd go mad ➜
- en helping someone ➜
- en be in charge of a project ➜
- en jumping at the chance ➜
- en knowing how the stock market performed ➜
- en losing consciousness ➜
- en lucid dream ➜
- en lying ➜
- en obstruct justice ➜
- en taking an exam ➜
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Causes of panic
- en flying in an airplane ➜
- en having an asthma attack ➜
- en panic (v, emotion) ➜
- en answering questions ➜
- en beginning work ➜
- en checking vital signs ➜
- en determining the truth ➜
- en dressing nice ➜
- en fighting the enemy ➜
- en going on a vacation ➜
- en going public ➜
- en having an epileptic fit ➜
- en having an examination ➜
- en hearing the crowd go mad ➜
- en hearing the news ➜
- en knowing how the stock market performed ➜
- en making a phone call ➜
- en making a shopping list ➜
- en meeting a friend ➜
- en reading a newspaper ➜
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Related terms
- sh panika (n) ➜
- sh paničarka (n) ➜
- sh uzbuna (n) ➜
- ar أرهب (v) ➜
- ar ارتاع (v) ➜
- ar بحران (n) ➜
- ca pànic (n) ➜
- cs panika (n) ➜
- cs panikařit (v) ➜
- cs plašit (v) ➜
- da handlingslammet (a) ➜
- da panik (n) ➜
- de angstzustand (n) ➜
- de fennich (n) ➜
- de panik (n) ➜
- el αλάφιασμα (n) ➜
- el αλαφιάζω (v) ➜
- el πανικοβάλλομαι (v) ➜
- el πανικοβάλλω (v) ➜
- en antipanic (a) ➜
- More »
Things whose first step is panic
- en have a heart attack ➜
- en kill someone ➜
- en propose to a woman ➜
- en read the news ➜
- en take an exam ➜
panic is a type of…
- en fear (n, feeling) ➜
- en anxiety (n, psychiatry) ➜
- en distress (n) ➜
- en nervousness (n) ➜
panic is a way of…
- en fear (v, emotion) ➜
- en terrify (v, emotion) ➜
Effects of panic
- en panic (v, emotion) ➜
- en injury ➜
Distinct terms
- en equanimity (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- /2012/05/10/concept/en/Panic
- 107535851-n
- 114429335-n
- 201785802-v
- 201786037-v
- Panic
- panic
- panic