Effects of playing harp
- en music ➜
- en soothing ➜
- en admiration from your audience ➜
- en applause ➜
- en blisters ➜
- en blisters on the harpist's fingers ➜
- en breaking a fingernail ➜
- en calluses on your fingers ➜
- en cascades of tonal sounds ➜
- en creating a melody ➜
- en creating music ➜
- en creating sound ➜
- en false notes ➜
- en getting blisters on your fingers ➜
- en getting a sound ➜
- en happyness ➜
- en hearing beautiful music ➜
- en learning to appreciate it ➜
- en magickal things to happen ➜
- en making music ➜
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playing harp is used for…
- en angels ➜
- en having fun ➜
- en Makeing music ➜
- en making music ➜
- en accompanying another musical instrument ➜
- en angellic music ➜
- en appreciating music ➜
- en beautiful music ➜
- en creating music ➜
- en entertaining an audience ➜
- en entertaining people ➜
- en fun ➜
- en learning coordination ➜
- en making beautiful music ➜
- en personal enjoyment ➜
- en playing in a band ➜
- en playing in an orchestra ➜
- en practising a musical piece ➜
- en relaxation ➜
playing harp is a subevent of…
- en music is heard ➜
- en breath ➜
- en creating music ➜
- en drawing attention ➜
- en imitate Harpo Marx ➜
- en you make a mistake ➜
- en making music ➜
- en mistakes are made ➜
- en people stop to listen ➜
- en playing a pleasing melody ➜
- en pluck a string ➜
- en plucking strings ➜
- en sit ➜
- en sound of music ➜
- en stomp your foot ➜
- en a string might break ➜
- en stroke the harp strings ➜
- en vibrate the air, producing sound ➜
playing harp requires…
- en hands ➜
- en fingers ➜
- en ability to read music ➜
- en agile fingers ➜
- en harp-playing skill ➜
- en knowing a song to play ➜
- en knowledge about harp ➜
- en long fingers ➜
- en musical knowledge and expertise ➜
- en skill ➜
- en slender fingers ➜