Types of regulation of biological process
- en regulation of biological process (n) ➜
- en regulation of biological process (n) ➜
- en regulation of bone mineralization (n) ➜
- en regulation of bone remodeling (n) ➜
- en regulation of bone resorption (n) ➜
- en regulation of cartilage development (n) ➜
- en regulation of cell proliferation (n) ➜
- en regulation of chondrocyte differentiation (n) ➜
- en regulation of collagen synthesis (n) ➜
- en regulation of ossifyion (n) ➜
- en regulation of osteoblast differentiation (n) ➜
- en regulation of renal filtration (n) ➜
- en transcription regulation event (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/BiologicalProcessRegulation