serving customers is a subevent of…
- en getting a tip ➜
- en smiling ➜
- en be polite ➜
- en spilling coffee ➜
- en a tip ➜
- en being tipped ➜
- en dealing with an irritated customer ➜
- en get a tip ➜
- en give them coffee ➜
- en give them food ➜
- en giving out free extras ➜
- en giving out freebies ➜
- en giving out promotional items ➜
- en giving out samples ➜
- en you may recieve a compliment ➜
- en serving free coffee ➜
- en smile ➜
- en smile nicely ➜
- en smiling and acting kind ➜
- en take a drink order ➜
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Effects of serving customers
- en getting paid ➜
- en earn money ➜
- en you get a tip ➜
- en getting tips ➜
- en being nice to them ➜
- en you are doing your job ➜
- en earning moeny ➜
- en emotional fatigue ➜
- en food to appear ➜
- en frustration ➜
- en gaining cash ➜
- en gaining profit ➜
- en they get their fries ➜
- en them to get pissed off ➜
- en happiness ➜
- en headache ➜
- en making money for the business ➜
- en people are happy ➜
- en receiving money ➜
- en repeat business ➜
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serving customers is used for…
- en waitresses ➜
- en adding to value given ➜
- en airlines ➜
- en assisting potential buyers ➜
- en businesses ➜
- en earning money ➜
- en earning a paycheck ➜
- en fulfilling a job ➜
- en getting payment ➜
- en helping people buy things ➜
- en included in the sale ➜
- en keeping them happy ➜
- en making money ➜
- en money ➜
- en part of the relationship ➜
- en part of sales ➜
- en providing food service ➜
- en restaurants ➜
- en stores ➜
- en a waitresses job ➜
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serving customers requires…
- en attention to detail ➜
- en a good attitude ➜
- en patience ➜
- en a servant ➜
- en alot of patience ➜
- en a business ➜
- en care ➜
- en common sense ➜
- en courtesy ➜
- en a process ➜
- en understanding ➜