- ar أقْسَمَ (v, communication) ➜
- ar حَلَفَ (v, communication) ➜
- ca jurar (v, communication) ➜
- en depone (v, communication) ➜
- en depose (v, communication) ➜
- en trust (v, cognition) ➜
- en affirm (v, communication) ➜
- en curse (v, communication) ➜
- es jurar (v, communication) ➜
- eu deklaratu (v, communication) ➜
- eu zin egin (v, communication) ➜
- fa خلع کردن (v, communication) ➜
- fa عزل نمودن (v, communication) ➜
- fa معزول کردن (v, communication) ➜
- fi antaa valaehtoinen todistus (v, communication) ➜
- fi todistaa valaehtoisesti (v, communication) ➜
- fi vannoa (v, communication) ➜
- fr déposer (v, communication) ➜
- fr jurer (v, communication) ➜
- id bersumpah (v, communication) ➜
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Related terms
- sh kleti (v) ➜
- sh nabrojati (v) ➜
- sh opsovati (v) ➜
- sh prisegnuti (v) ➜
- sh prisezati (v) ➜
- sh psovati (v) ➜
- sh zakleti (v) ➜
- sh zaklinjati (v) ➜
- en promise ➜
- ady тхьэ ӏон (v) ➜
- ady хъонэн (v) ➜
- ady хъуанэ (n) ➜
- af skel (v) ➜
- af sweer (v) ➜
- af vloek (v) ➜
- ang forswerian (v) ➜
- ang geswerian (v) ➜
- ang manswerian (v) ➜
- ang swerian (v) ➜
- ar حلف (v) ➜
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Subevents of swear
- en taking an oath ➜
- en bite your tongue ➜
- en fixing a computer ➜
- en paying the bills ➜
- en reading the news ➜
- en repairing an umbrella ➜
- en take the stand ➜
swear is a way of…
- en declare (v, communication) ➜
- en vow (v, communication) ➜
Links to other resources
- 200891468-v
- 201015049-v
- swear
- swear